Sustainable joining of aluminium alloys: Recent trends in Friction stir welding

22 novembre 2023 10h00

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Webinaire présenté en anglais seulement

The webinar will give an overview of the recent developments in FSW of aluminium alloys. Novel FSW techniques such as stationary shoulder FSW for fillet joints and tailor welded blanks and CoreFlow for producing sub-surface cooling channels. Some recent industrial applications for electric vehicles and aerostructures will also be discussed along with sustainability aspects of FSW compared to other joining processes.

Jeroen De Backer works as a principal engineer a TWI Ltd., UK within the Advanced Manufacturing Technologies group. He has been working with friction stir welding research and development for over 15 years with specialisation in robotisation and feedback control of the FSW process. He obtained an MSc in electrical engineering at KU Leuven, Belgium, a licentiate in machine design at Lund University, Sweden and obtained a PhD in production technology at University West, Sweden in 2014. Jeroen has coordinated multiple national and EU-funded research projects, and has authored over 30 publications on FSW.


Jeroen De Backer, Principal Project Leader at TWI, UK

Jeroen De Backer, Principal Project Leader at TWI, UK

Voir sur LinkedIn



Durée : 1 heure

Catégorie : Webinaire

Format : Virtuel

Responsable d'AluQuébec : [email protected]


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Sustainable joining of aluminium alloys: Recent trends in Friction stir welding

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