SURE2COAT – New sustainable surface treatments and their implementation into the production line

14 février 2024 11h00

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Ce webinaire sera présenté en anglais 

The EU funded project “SURE2COAT” will be presented at first on a general basis before going into the details.

The general description will be on what an “EU project” is, and how this funding spurs research in Europe.

Then a general overview of the partners and the objectives of SURE2COAT will be presented before focusing on the research activities.

Special attention will be given to the projects work related to aluminium, although it also has activities on surface treatment of copper.

Guest-speaker : Martin Fossen is a senior research scientist at SINTEF AS in Norway. Chemical engineer with PhD in surface and colloid chemistry from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). 16 years employment at SINTEF working mainly related to flow assurance issues in the O&G industry focusing on gas hydrates and emulsions. Experimentalist with experience in designing and operating custom-made high-pressure equipment. 


Martin Fossen

Martin Fossen



Durée : 1 heure

Catégorie : Webinaire

Format : Virtuel

Responsable d'AluQuébec : [email protected]


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SURE2COAT – New sustainable surface treatments and their implementation into the production line

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Prénom : {{ formEventData.prenom }}

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Compagnie : {{ formEventData.compagnie }}

Numéro d'entreprise du Québec (NEQ) : {{ formEventData.neq }}

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Nombre de personnes à inscrire : {{ formEventData.nbPersonnes }}

Personne 1 : {{ formEventData.participants[0].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[0].nom }}

Personne 2 : {{ formEventData.participants[1].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[1].nom }}

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Personne 4 : {{ formEventData.participants[3].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[3].nom }}

Personne 5 : {{ formEventData.participants[4].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[4].nom }}

Personne 6 : {{ formEventData.participants[5].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[5].nom }}

Personne 7 : {{ formEventData.participants[6].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[6].nom }}

Personne 8 : {{ formEventData.participants[7].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[7].nom }}

Personne 9 : {{ formEventData.participants[8].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[8].nom }}

Personne 10 : {{ formEventData.participants[9].prenom }} {{ formEventData.participants[9].nom }}


Coût/Personne :
(x{{ formEventData.nbPersonnes }} personnes)

{{ prixParPersonneEvent }}$

Sous total :

{{ sousTotalEvent }}$

TPS (5%) :
834401044 RT0001

{{ montantTPSEvent }}$

TVQ (9.975%) :
1218872375 TQ0001

{{ montantTVQEvent }}$

Total :

{{ totalEvent }}$



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